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Glint Adv November 13, 2008

Really, It’s Not All About You!

An effective marketing message is based on what the consumer needs to hear, not what the client wants to say. Although a little unusual, this approach ensures that an effective marketing message is communicated and consistently reinforced…

Glint Adv November 3, 2008
Boost Sales In A Sluggish Economy

Boost Sales In A Sluggish Economy

In most instances, the economy is viewed in extremes. It is either doing extremely well or depressively poor. In actuality the economy does ebb and flow and does have its extremes, but not always to the extent portrayed through the various media outlets the public views…

Glint Adv October 29, 2008
Glint Advertising Ranked in Top 12

Glint Advertising Ranked in Top 12

Glint Advertising & Design has been ranked as one of the top 12 largest advertising agencies in Fort Worth. Fort Worth Business Press, serving Tarrant County and surrounding areas, is a weekly business publication that lists the top companies in their respective industries along with current business affairs in the area…

Glint Adv October 29, 2008 is New is New

Our new website has launched. After a soft launch in early October, our new site is ready. The soft launch was sent to 150 clients, friends, vendors and other business partners. Based on the comments of the group, minor adjustments were made to make the site a little more intuitive…