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4 Ways to Stay Inspired in the New Year

Glint Adv - December 30, 2013 - 0 comments

As 2013 comes to an end, all of us here at Glint have spent time reflecting on the previous year and all of the fun and success that has come along with it. Another year of great work has come and gone, and a new one is just around the corner. As we welcome new clients and continue building and growing with our current ones, we realize that a new year also means a lot of fresh, new ideas. And we couldn’t be more excited!

Staying creative and motivated every day is what makes our jobs at Glint so much fun. It’s not always easy, though. But we’ve all managed to find some interesting ways to get motivated and stay on track when feeling a little uninspired.

We’ve compiled several tips about staying motivated and stress-free that can help get some great ideas flowing if taken to heart in the New Year:

1. Write it down: Keep a journal in your bag, an ongoing list on your computer, or just open up the “notes” app on your phone whenever you get an interesting idea. No matter what medium you choose, always have somewhere to jot down ideas, goals, or downright silly things that made you smile today. Inspiration is everywhere. You may never use anything you write down, but then again, one of those little scribbles may lead to your next great idea.

2. Get organized: Cleaning up and getting things organized now can save you a lot of grief down the road. Get your ducks in a row at the beginning of the year, and resolve to keep them that way. It can save you from the stress of needing to clean and organize your desk (or office, or life) sometime down the road. This way, you can stay focused on what needs to get done! At Glint, we just spent two days cleaning out and organizing all of the cabinets, and it feels good. Now we’ve had plenty of time to brainstorm new ideas and tactics!

3. Never stop learning: Start a new hobby, read a new book, join a club, take a pottery class, go to a seminar. There’s always room to learn new things, and switching up your skills engages different parts of your brain. Additionally, meeting new people and reading new material opens your mind up to different viewpoints and ideas. Exposing yourself to these can open up a whole new world, and many great ideas with it.

4. Relax and reward yourself: Take a few minutes each day to be proud of yourself and all of the things you have accomplished. Reward yourself with a piece of chocolate (or 6, we’re not judging), or take 5 minutes to sit back and dream. Maybe even start a Nerf gunfight in the office (we’re guilty). Giving your mind a rest will allow for new ideas to flow in.

We’d love to hear your tips for staying inspired and resolutions for the New Year. If one of these resolutions involves expanding your marketing in 2014, feel free to give us a call at (817) 616-0320 or shoot us an e-mail at Have a safe and Happy New Year from everyone at Glint!

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