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Writing Copy: Beyond the Textbook

Glint Adv - December 23, 2013 - 0 comments

Lining the walls of college classrooms are shelves and shelves of textbooks chock full of writing tips and guidelines for creating taglines, headlines, copy, and all things advertising-related. According to these textbooks, one of the most effective ways for crafting the perfect line is to write down one hundred of them. Supposedly, “the one” will be hidden somewhere in that big list of ideas.

This approach, however, is very different than the one taken at Glint. There is no assumption that drilling out line after line will eventually lead to the right one. Glint partners with clients to create pieces of work that reflect their brand values and their goals. After establishing what these are with the client, the brainstorming process begins. Ideas are scribbled down on a whiteboard until we are able to close in on a line that best conveys the brand’s offerings to the audience.

What the textbooks fail to teach students is that there is no best method for creating taglines or copy. Each client is unique, so the creating process for each is also unique. The best taglines, headlines, and copy reflect the brand’s individual standards and values. At Glint, the time is taken to identify these standards and values, and ensure they are embodied in every piece of work created for the brand.

To learn more about how Glint can help grow your business, give us a call at (817) 616-0320 or shoot us an e-mail at

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