Fort Worth Students May Miss National Championship Opportunity
We need your help! Members Of J.P. Elder Junior Middle School Cadet Corps qualified for the National Drill Championships, but lack funding to go…

Two Local Advertising Agencies See the Glass as Half Full: Merger to Unite Talent and Capabilities, Make a Splash in Local Advertising Industry
What happens when two optimistic entrepreneurs seize the opportunity to combine forces at a time when others see their glass as half empty? The result is a glass spilling over with advertising talent and savoir-faire, the runoff of which will quench the needs of organizations both locally and abroad…

Assembling Forces
Together, we can quickly drive this economy forward and gain more market share. Glint is seeking businesses to connect with to help implement our strategy for faster growth. We are looking to expand, provide more capabilities, have a larger geographic reach and become a more significant player in our industry and market…

Glint Helps Adapt Social Media Marketing (SMM) Transition Into the Field of PR
The landscape of PR has changed indefinitely as a result of the technological boom. At the forefront of this change? Social media. Chances are that everyone reading this message has at one time or another received an e-mail about it, attended a seminar devoted entirely to it, or, at the very least, heard their peers talking about it…