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Glint Adv February 13, 2017
Technology: Does It Bring Us Closer?

Technology: Does It Bring Us Closer?

For the most part, the answer to this question is simple and obvious. Technology does bring you closer to family,…

Glint Adv November 8, 2016

Stuck in Time?

Do you feel like your digital interactions are on lock down, and the world of social media is moving on…

Glint Adv April 7, 2015
What is SEO? (Here's Why You Need It.)

What is SEO? (Here's Why You Need It.)

If your brand has a website, you’ve more than likely heard the term SEO before. SEO is a short, sweet, little acronym that encompasses a whole lot of techniques that help your website rank higher on search engines. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is extremely important to your site; the higher your site ranks on a search engine, the higher your visibility and the more traffic you receive. 53% of organic search clicks go to the first result, so you can bet your bottom dollar this stuff is important. Unfortunately for us, it’s a lot easier said than done. (more…)

Glint Adv March 16, 2015
5 Pinterest Marketing Tips You Can’t Ignore

5 Pinterest Marketing Tips You Can’t Ignore

Do you want to increase awareness of your business and drive traffic to your website? Have you thought about using Pinterest to market your brand online? (more…)