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Is Advertising Art or Science?

Is Advertising Art or Science?

An orange background, a large, white, slightly diagonal line with a curve at the end, and three short words created…

Glint Adv December 7, 2016

Stuck in Time?

Do you feel like your digital interactions are on lock down, and the world of social media is moving on…

Glint Adv November 8, 2016
Why Can't You Hear Me?

Why Can't You Hear Me?

Are you frustrated that consumers don’t understand your products or company values like you think they should? Even the customers you…

Glint Adv October 10, 2016
Intern Insights: Gaining Confidence

Intern Insights: Gaining Confidence

Internships provide great circumstances for students to grow and gain experience in their desired field, while allowing them to showcase and fine-tune their own skills. That’s why, here at Glint, we believe in affording interns with opportunities that will help them succeed in their classes and in the post-college world. Glint’s current student intern, Meredith Redfern, provided insight into gaining confidence by working in an agency and key takeaways: (more…)

Glint Adv September 13, 2016