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Sound Less Rehearsed at Your Next Job Interview

Glint Advertising - July 20, 2022 - 0 comments

Summer can mean regrouping and reevaluating where you want to be in life, particularly your career. Before your next interview, consider changing up your answers a bit. Just as you are tired of the same ‘ole responses, there is a good chance your potential employer is too.

Forbes narrows down the top “rehearsed” answers in job interviews. Good stuff.

  • I work too hard. This answer shows employers that you can’t acknowledge your weaknesses. Especially in team environments, you strengthen the weakest links and work together to overcome challenges. Consider demonstrating that you are self-aware enough to mention an area where improvement is needed, then communicate a solution or road to recovery.
  • I am a problem-solver. Entirely overused, this statement must have supporting evidence. Give details galore.
  • I want to be a manager in two years. Be careful of sending the wrong signals. This statement says lack of experience and naive thinking. Being a manager requires more than doing a job well; it is also about managing people. Ambition is not a terrible thing. Instead, try expressing your willingness to learn and take on a leadership role in the future. Be ambitious yet humble. 
  • I am hard working. What does that mean anymore? To avoid this mistake, talk about specific achievements that prove you are hard working. Then elaborate. According to the article, providing data, goals, and milestones is useful.
  • I didn’t like my boss. While it’s hard to believe this statement is overused, it is, according to the article. Keep in mind that prospective employers always try to find out if you were the problem or why you left your previous job. Release the petty and refocus the conversation on why you and the new job are a better fit. You can even say that your last job didn’t provide the opportunities you expected.

Read more to see solutions for other overused responses.

At Glint, we believe that we are constantly evolving, and career refreshers such as these make a difference.

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