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Business Trends to Watch in the Next Six Months

Glint Advertising - August 3, 2022 - 0 comments

Are you staying updated on business trends?

It’s okay. You don’t have to. Glint reports, with the help of research provided by Hubspot. Here’s a bite-sized retelling of trends you may see more of in the next six months. Attend your next meeting informed.


It feels like this trend is common sense and often used, but according to Hubspot researchers, brands are gifting to retain customers. And, do not think this technique only works on external audiences. Companies are sending gifts to employees, especially since employee retention is at an all-time low. Interesting stat: The average cost of replacing an employee is about seven months of their salary. Wellbox, a platform for businesses to send gifts to their employees, is a pandemic success story, making over $4 million in revenue in its first year.

Direct Mail Marketing. 

Get ready for the resurgence of mailers. Researchers found that physical mailers are driving consumers online. Expect trends in:

  • Voice-activated mailers, using Alexa commands
  • VR integrations that pair VR headsets with interactive experiences.
  • Traditional postcards

Retro Revival. 

Postcards won’t signal the end of retro revivals. Break out the Polaroids, and perhaps usher in another era of film, darkrooms, roller rinks, arcades and good ‘ole 80s era paraphernalia.

Audio SEO. 

It’s no secret that podcast popularity is skyrocketing, but how are consumers finding the content that fits them? Experts have found there is a need for better audio searches. Watch for audio search engines, Audiogram-like tools and audio SEO tools. Interactive podcast apps like Entale and Adori that allow podcasters to post images, offer codes, polls and other engagement tactics, are predicted to gain popularity.

NFT-Powered Subscription Services. 

What more can be said here? Startups are using NFTs to create exclusive, online communities of like-minded consumers. 

“Many big brands like CameoWrangler, and Time magazine are already experimenting with NFTs for exclusive community access, but the Bored Breakfast Club is one of the first to tag on a subscription component,” reports Hubspot.

B2B Influencers. 

Expect to see a rise in more tools and services to help brands identify and manage influencers and solidify their influencer strategies.

Virtual Pop-Up Shops. 

Oh, the metaverse! Shopping may be easier with an upward tick on virtual pop-up shops. In a Hubspot survey of more than 1k consumers, 30 percent of participants said more brands should consider virtual stores in the metaverse. While this data is compelling, don’t hurry into this trend. Start easy with improving your online experience. Consider a product-specific landing page or even an online event. Want more? Reportedly, Lancome, Hoover and Dunkin’ are subscribing to the trend.

Luxe, Eco-Friendly Products and Packaging. 

It’s called “conscious consumption,” which is, not surprisingly, embraced by younger audiences. Brands most likely feel the pressure and are compelled to produce eco-friendly products. If product demands are evolving, the packaging must adjust also. Sustainable packaging like bamboo or sugarcane pulp is in vogue. Keep an eye on this emerging trend.

Gamified NFT Marketing. 

In February, Louis Vuitton released a gamified mobile app, which includes 30 embedded NFTs ready for collection. Get used to this trend, perhaps, as brands are incorporating gaming components into their NFT collection to encourage more consumer engagement. Other brands to watch include GAP and Neon.

Staying updated on emerging trends is a full-time job.

It doesn’t have to be yours. Rely on an agency like Glint Advertising to immerse itself 24-7 in developments. Let’s explore together.

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