Spring graduation is sneaking up on us, meaning an influx of graduates will be flooding the inboxes of their future employers. Even though our knowledge and experience in this industry make us oh, so professional, we’ve been there. We remember the days of applying to every job available and not knowing where our careers would take us.
If only we had someone on the other side of things guiding us during those uncertain times. That’s why we put together a few tips we’ve gathered from the hiring perspective, along with what we would tell our 22-year-old selves. Listen closely.
Utilize LinkedIn as a Job Searching Platform
Linkedin is the top professional social network with millions of industry leaders promoting their career knowledge daily. Not only can you gain valuable insights from professionals in any industry, but it’s the perfect platform to search for your dream job. 87% of job recruiters use LinkedIn as part of their candidate research, making it the best place to look for job opportunities.
Having a presence on the platform is a step in the right direction. However, to really reap the benefits of LinkedIn, you need to engage with content and use the platform as a networking tool. Our advice? Keep your profile up to date, and connect with companies that interest you.
Leverage Your Network
On top of connecting to people via LinkedIn, you should be leveraging the people you already have in your arsenal. College professors are the perfect gateway to your next job opportunity. They can simultaneously dip into their vast network while advocating on your behalf.
People know people. Past employers, friends, or even your own family may have close ties with someone in the industry you are interested in. Don’t be afraid to use them as well.
Dot Your I’s and Cross Your T’s
While networking through LinkedIn can get your foot in the door, a good resume and an impressive interview style are what’s going to keep the door open. Write in complete sentences and have action items when describing your skills. It’s okay to say you know how to use excel, but how did it make you more valuable to the task at hand? Tell us!
On top of a stellar resume, going the extra mile will get you noticed more than your competition. It’s encouraged to reach out via phone call or even stop by in person to push your name to the top of the applicant list. Most people are afraid of being the annoying applicant – don’t be. Putting in extra effort goes a long way because it shows us you’re willing to do what it takes.
Congratulations, you got the interview. Now what? Impressing your potential employer with your skills and experience is a given. But what some people don’t know is the power of asking questions back during your interview. You should be interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you. After all, they are potentially going to be your future employer. Aren’t you curious as to how they manage their team?

Enough Said
To wrap it all up, utilize LinkedIn, leverage your network, and make a good impression with a clean resume and extra effort. By using these tactics, there’s no way you won’t snag the job of your dreams. On top of it all, humble confidence is key, so never forget you’re a diamond in the rough. Now get after it!
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