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Adapting to Your Environment: Evolving as a Creator

Glint Adv - May 19, 2021 - 0 comments

A creative person is a generator, bubbling up with ideas, solutions, and innovations on demand. There isn’t just one type of definition of creativity, but the similarity that creatives share is the ability to evolve constantly. In their creativity, they can adapt to society, trends, and the environment. 

In addition to embracing change, or what some call possessing chameleon-like tendencies, creativity also has a close relationship with novelty, especially in marketing and advertising. More often than not, people view creativity as it relates to artistic capabilities or design. However, the very definition of a novelty is something new and original, which can be applied throughout all facets of the industry. 

Questioning Creativity

How do we define creativity? By being a problem solver. Innovation is a large part of problem-solving and is more critical to your business than you might realize. While it takes a plethora of skills to run a business successfully, you won’t get very far with stale ideas, which is why evolving as a creator is just as important as being one. 

The ability to process the experience of living in all its intricacies and respond to that with boundless innovation and solutions is what makes creatives unique. Creativity at Work affirms that creativity is “characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways,” to make connections, and to generate solutions. Additionally, creativity is the act of turning new ideas into reality. 

How to Hone Your Creativity

Many people assume they have don’t have a creative mindset. While it’s true that some are more creative than others, creativity can be honed at any age or experience level. Innovation is not a gift someone is born with, rather the application of knowledge in new and exciting ways. 

Various studies dive into the steps it takes to be more creative. The personality trait that is most tied to creativity is openness to experience, whether that be emotional, aesthetic, or intellectual. Adopting outside perspectives, getting out of your comfort zone, and learning new information often lays the groundwork for a creative breakthrough. 


The advertising world is populated with creatives because it’s an industry of innovation. From the art director to the account executive, creativity is the driving force for every facet of the business. So how do we evolve in our creative thinking?

In being creative, life is all about adaptability and evolving, along with shifts occurring both internally and externally. You’ve heard the saying, “necessity is the mother of invention,” but it seems “creativity is the mother of invention” is more appropriate. Getting to know your audience, keeping up with industry trends, and constantly keeping an open mind are all ways to evolve as a problem-solver. 

Advertising operates at a whirling pace, and creativity in advertising is a multifaceted skill driven by inspiration, innovation, and intelligence. Intertwining art and commerce is rife with challenges, yet in this industry, one would not exist without the other.

Where Do We Go From Here? The Future of Creativity in Advertising

Evolving as a Creator

The days of hand-drawn imagery and logos toted around in uncomfortably large and awkward portfolios have been rendered obsolete. Still, the desire to create for commercial consumption is stronger than ever, and the need for creativity in this industry isn’t going away any time soon. 

More importantly, the need for innovation and problem-solving is at all all-time high and can be achieved if you have the right team in place. Are you looking for some innovation? Contact Glint Advertising for a new perspective and to get your creativity flowing. 

Want to learn more about creativity?



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