AssetsAdvertising, billboards, Branding, Brochure, Direct Marketing, Logo, Research, signage, truck wraps, Video, water bottles
Sulphur Springs Hopkins County
Grow your business by the acre, not the square foot.
Sulphur Springs Hopkins County has aligned its resources to provide the benefits and incentives business needs to stimulate growth. The elected officials support a pro-growth, pro-business attitude through aggressive tax incentives and free industrial zoned property. The skilled workforce and strong economic business mix sustain business development throughout their charming community. They also offer easy access to the DFW metroplex and the population centers along the east coast.
the challenge
With a need to drive outreach for attaining large businesses for the Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County area, the EDC reached out to Glint to help communicate the benefits of their community and unique offerings for business.
the solutions
Interviewing the large companies that found success moving to Sulphur Springs was key to determining messaging that would resonate with new prospects. The evaluation process also confirmed that updated branding would also be needed to connect with the forward-thinking approach of the SSEDC.
Connecting business services with the area’s education and family benefits was key to motivating employers to consider Sulphur Springs. Creating a new brand identity logo and video, billboard, advertising, and direct mail assets were crucial for marketing success. Through trade publications, conference materials, association groups, and direct marketing, we could effectively tell the story of life is good, and business is great.