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Glint Adv January 13, 2014
Online Video: When “Good Enough” Is Not Good Enough

Online Video: When “Good Enough” Is Not Good Enough

Online video has exploded. Whether it’s videos on social media of friends partying or a local dentist showing off his new x-ray machine on his website, short, engaging videos have become the preferred method of information broadcast and retrieval for our information rich society. Business owners are recognizing the advantages of Internet video messaging and are seeking cost-effective methods to engage customers. But, not all videos are created equal.

Glint Adv January 6, 2014
Is Facebook Going Out of Style?

Is Facebook Going Out of Style?

“Is Facebook on its way out? This topic seems to be getting a lot of attention recently. According to an article from British newspaper The Guardian, Facebook is ‘dead and buried’ to teens.”

Glint Adv December 3, 2013

Why Your Business Should Be Using Google AdWords

“According to a study by AYTM Market Research, more than 70 percent of consumers use Google as their primary source for finding information on the web. Meaning if your company fails to show up within the first several organic results on a search page, you could be missing out on a great deal of potential business. This is where Google AdWords comes in.”

Glint Adv November 4, 2013
6 Simple Tips to Develop A Killer Social Media Strategy

6 Simple Tips to Develop A Killer Social Media Strategy

Social media platforms provide a great way to build your brand and connect with consumers. There are a number of…