Glint Advertising & Design Adds Ryan Cormier as Account Executive
Glint Advertising & Design, LLC, announced the addition of Ryan Cormier, Account Executive, today. Cormier will provide client service for existing and future accounts, and will further new business development for the agency…
Our Top 40 Under 40 Recipient
Glint Advertising & Design President Craig Lloyd has been honored as one of the 2009 Forty Under Forty by the Fort Worth Business Press. The first impression of most of the staff was “What? He’s under 40?” But after the jokes and fun, no one was surprised that Craig was included in this prestigious group of individuals…

Special Olympics Goes for “Shock Value”
We have recently viewed the latest marketing efforts of the Special Olympics, which spawned from an inappropriate comment from President Barack Obama on the Tonight Show. We won’t go into the comment Obama made here, just the advertising efforts approved by the Special Olympics and produced by DDB Needham in response to it…

Compassion Never Goes Out Of Style
Glint Advertising is honored we were able to be a part of The Shaken Baby Alliance First Annual Celebrity Fashion Show. The event happened last Saturday evening at a beautiful art gallery, where guests mixed and mingled with local celebrities. The show offered a silent auction, some of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen, raffles, give-a-ways and included some of the children the Shaken Baby Alliance supports…