Assets40th Anniversary Logo, Apparel, Branding Guide, Brandskeyp, Brochure, Digital, Flyers, Logo, signage, Social Media, Stationery, Swag, tagline, Video, Website
Our Abilities Speak Volumes.
Amplify is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit agency that assists hundreds of adults with disabilities every day with job training and social skill development. Their services include secure document destruction services, packaging, and fulfillment in a 70,000 square foot warehouse in Fort Worth-Dallas, Texas. They partner with companies (their customers) nationwide to provide top-notch business services while creating meaningful employment for their adults with disabilities (their clients).
the challenge
Our initial meetings with Expanco, Inc. revolved around changing their name and creating a new brand identity. There was a lot of confusion around what services the company offered and how they utilize an underserved workforce that benefits adults with disabilities. A change like this for a company that’s had success for forty years comes with unique challenges. They are used to being successful, and resistance to what’s worked and is still working is valid. Thus, our first question was, why? They have long-term connections with the community, and their board will not allow any adjustments that don’t align with the company’s foundational vision. Couple this feedback with the way Expanco represented their adults with disabilities (clients) and their business partners (customers); we knew the path ahead would be difficult.
After meeting with multiple agencies and learning about their approaches to branding, Glint was awarded the trust to strategically create a new brand name and identity to help companies understand Expanco’s services and the unique way they provide them.
the solutions
We discovered much about the heritage, misconceptions, and ideals that made Expanco unique through Glint’s proprietary Brandskeyp process that involved leadership, partners, employees, and the board. We also learned a lot about past failures and directions to avoid. Taking this information, Expanco transitioned to the name Amplify. Next, we clearly defined a new logo, company mission, values, personality, promise, principles, and guidelines.
Coming up with the right name that was viable, legal, and available within digital and governmental arenas was step one. The logo identifier and tagline were the second steps in unifying all the stakeholders with the transition. With the marketing committee settled on a few refined options, the board voted with confidence that the new approach presented was aligned with what they envisioned. To further develop the brand, Glint helped launch multiple assets, including videos, brochures, logo and usage guidelines, social assets, and stationery, among others. Ultimately the brand was kept under wraps until it was fully realized and successfully launched during a Facebook live event.
Amplify has an exciting history and provides a unique approach to providing adults with disabilities opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise have. Working with Amplify not only provides its customers with a quality product, but they also receive an outlet for giving back. We wanted their brand, website, and other assets to reflect their clients’ excitement while convincing customers that their talents are as strong as their competitors. While nothing will compare to touring their facility and meeting their team one-on-one, our goal was to provide a small taste of how organized, focused, and fun Amplify is.