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Glint Intern Ethan Hilbert Reflects on the Summer

Glint Advertising - August 24, 2023 - 0 comments

Reflecting on an Incredible Opportunity

Wow! There aren’t many words I can think of that can do justice to this internship. The first that comes to mind is “grateful.” The team at Glint took a chance on a freshman at Oklahoma State University, taking me under their wing as a Glint intern to teach me about the wonderful world of marketing and all the experiences that come with it. I still have much to learn, but I am excited to take my next steps in this vast world.

Implementing Essential Feedback Into Writing

With this blog, I want to review what I’ve learned while interning at Glint. First, I thank the team for their feedback on my writing and projects. They helped me develop my writing style further and learn to write for advertising and marketing. I learned that there is a huge difference between the writing styles I have practiced at school and blog writing. I know that the writing tips I learned will continue to benefit me these next few years at college and in my career.

An Inside Look at Important Processes in the Field

Over the summer, I observed and played a role in the content development process, which was incredibly interesting to me. I worked on each step of the process, from idea
generation and brainstorming to content creation and writing. Another thing I learned was how to make a content calendar. This summer, I made several content calendars that consisted of blog post ideas and social media posts that will be used over the rest of the year and into 2024. Creating a content calendar allowed me to practice creative concept generation and organize information into a neat and organized package.

We acquired a new client during my Glint internship, so I could sit in on meetings and learn the best ways to interact with a potential client. Craig taught me that listening to the client first, giving feedback on their ideas, and then proposing ideas is an important process that plays a huge role in building a positive relationship.

Glint intern Ethan Hilbert reflects on his summerCrafting a Programming Project

My final project for the summer involved creating a slideshow presentation covering events that our new client can host to reach their goals. The project was super fun. Putting together all the pieces allowed me to express my creativity and create a piece that would actually be used to help our client. This project allowed me to match ideas and events that reflect the client while adding Glint’s unique style. Presenting the project to the team sparked some really good conversation and feedback, and I can say for sure that I learned a great deal about how to elevate pitches for a client through the learning experience.

This internship has been such an incredible experience and has certainly assured me that I’m on the right path. I thank the Glint team for everything they have done for me this summer. I will miss you all, but I will keep in touch as I explore the wonderful world of marketing!

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