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Social Strategy Trumps Social Media

Glint Adv - September 22, 2017 - 0 comments

Glint has a question for you today… Would you ever stick your son or daughter in a car, the moment they turned 16, without having any previous driving experience? In other words, would you allow your kid to drive without ever having taken a driver’s education course?

You are probably shaking your head, thinking to yourself, “Absolutely not!” Which is a good thing, it means you’re a responsible parent and you understand putting your child on the road without any experience could mean placing them and other people in danger.

You are probably wondering, how does this have anything to do with social media? Well, while social media isn’t a several ton vehicle capable of going 100+ miles per hour down the interstate, it is still a tool or vehicle of transportation for your brand’s message and should be treated as such.

Every day, we see brands with a ton of potential take charge of their social media accounts (without any previous education) and tarnish their brand. If you don’t remember anything else from this article, please remember this —

“No social media presence is better than bad social media presence.”

This is a difficult concept to grasp because, for a lot of brands, social media evokes a feeling of FOMO (fear of missing out). Brands feel that if they aren’t on every platform or using every tool, they will be forgotten about.

And between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and [fill in the blank], there is a lot to try and keep up with. But, social media and the dozens of tools that have been created to power it, is useless (and at times even detrimental) if you don’t understand how to use it. So, how do you use it? Keep reading, and we will share some of our thoughts on the matter.

How to Use Social Media
In order to get the most out of social media, you need to ensure you have a solid foundation. To use another metaphor, if social media is your tool or rocket that your brand uses for lift off, the creative and messaging associated with your brand is the foundation that the rocket sits upon. The rocket is useless without a solid foundation.

Glint helps our clients ensure they are using proper strategy developed by our experts, that way they are getting the highest return on social media.

More on Social Media Strategy
You may be wondering, that’s great, so how do I design a great social media strategy? Well, in order to design a social media strategy that will deliver a high return, you will need to have a deep understanding of your brand, what you stand for and how you are being perceived.

Something that may sound rudimentary at first glance, but something that actually requires an extreme amount of creativity and experience working with brands — this is an artform called branding and something that Glint is very strong at. Check out some branding work we’ve done.

After we have worked with you on defining your brand, we can then go about designing a social media strategy that is right for you, along with the social media platforms that fit this strategy.

If you are interested in learning more about how to use social media and how to develop a social media strategy that is right for you, please don’t hesitate to connect with us here or call us at (817) 616 – 0320.

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